Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Interesting Perspective"

Here's a video of our painting being created.

Boy, Ain't it a Pain

Been a while since I posted last. Over two years... almost three. Just updated to the "Google Version" and now I think I'll be set to post; hopefully more regularly.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day by Day

It seems that my posting ability can only happen every other day. And I do it in retrospect. I feel more like writing in the morning when I first wake up and my thoughts are fresh and foggy. Not sleeping well since I came back from Europe in July, then my mother's death, and now Ron's eye weighs heavy on my mind and won't allow it to sleep more than 6-7 hours per night. Admittedly, it's better than the 4-5 I was getting. Hope it goes back to the "good eight" my body likes.

Yesterday I got a lot done but not nearly as much as I had hoped. Aiming to check more things off my list today but Ron needs attention and that eats into my chore time. Here's the link to the procedure Ron had done on Friday. We pray that it works.


Today, I need to pick up a rx, go to the dentist, meet with the contractor that's doing drainage work for us and hopefully can mow our lawn, go to the bank, speak to the bond broker who was on vacation last week, bring up the bags for the Vets to be picked up tomorrow, and work on the g-sale stuff. Writing stuff down makes it happen.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gettin' Done

Yesterday we went back to the doctor (retina specialist) for the first follow up appointment. After waiting for over two hours in a frigid office we got good news. Everything is going the best it could be one day out. Ron and I asked several questions and felt better after we knew the answers. We return the end of the week for his next appointment. In the meantime he's lying on his side (23 of the 24 hours a day he's to spend on his side reclining) and I'm doing everything since he needs to keep the bubble of injected air on the torn part of his retina. That pressure keeps it in contact with the rear part of his eye and squeezed the fluid out.

We had to cancel the garage sale and it looks doubtful that Ron will be able to help if I have it next weekend. Our cars sit in the driveway and we can't get to the bikes or mower because of all the garage sale stuff. Fortunately the freezer is still accessible.

So today in addition to my usual cooking and cleaning I:
1. Programmed a new remote for our upstairs bedroom
2. Picked tomatoes
3. Laundry
4. Went to the store
5. Changed a flood light
6. Went to recycling
7. Worked on unpacking more stuff for the garage sale
8. Made a bunch of spaghetti sauce to freeze since we have so many tomatoes

Yesterday my college roommate found me on Facebook and we reconnected. It'll be fun to talk to her again. We watched a video (Cracker) last night.

Friday, August 21, 2009

It's always something

Yesterday was fun. Ron and I spent the entire day with his two daughters Cara and Megan. We ate out, visited his mom, looked through the stuff for our potential garage sale, got pedicures, went to the Plaza in KC and generally spent the entire day enjoying each other's company.

Then today it all changed. Ron had mentioned that he was having some vision problems in his left eye. We went to check it out. It turned out to be a retinal tear that needed immediate treatment. After the three doctors saw him and each outlined different options it was decided to do the least invasive and keep the heavier duty procedures for backup.

Now he is home resting in a fixed position for at least the next week. Then it's no biking, flying, or strenuous activity for a while while he recuperates... if this works. If not it's on to procedure number two.

We're very sad. We need to postpone our garage sale and several other things in our life for a while.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More Stuff= More Stress

I've been unpacking boxes that have been stored for the last several years and it is stressful. So many decisions. What do I save? What to sell? What to donate? And the memories associated with a lot of the items. She wore that dress here. That ashtray sat on the coffee table as I was growing up. That photo... that painting.

I had a storage unit for the entire time my mother lived in Kansas. It has been over nine years. At first it held the overflow of furniture from when she moved here from Florida. She had a large house and was always a pack rat. Then when she had to down size from a three room apartment in assisted living to go to the nursing home I had a garage sale but didn't sell all of it but was able to get a smaller unit. Now that she has passed I needed to get rid of the added expense of the storage unit and deal with the unhappy task of unburdening myself of all this stuff.

So we've moved all the furniture and possessions from her storage unit and nursing home room into our garage and house. Our cars are out in the driveway and the lower level is full of boxes. There are six boxes remaining. The garage sale is Saturday. Tuesday the charity is picking up the remains. We could probably have another garage sale with all of our extra stuff.

The stuff in all those boxes that people save some of it's memories and some is just stuff.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why I'm Blogging

I decided to start a blog since I have all this extra time to post now that my mother passed away. I was her care giver for the last nine years. She lived in a nursing home nearby but I went to visit often, laundered her clothes, managed her finances, and care, and did everything that needed to be done on an ongoing basis. It was a big job.

What will I write about? Everything that pops into my head; thoughts, ideas, memories, and hopes. What I do, where I go, who I'm with, etc. Lofty huh? In other words what everyone else thinks they will write about when they start a blog. I've heard that most people who start a blog do not keep it up.

Who will follow me? Don't know yet. So far no one even knows about it. I've been reading a couple of different blogs on a regular basis. Some of them are friends and family, some total strangers.

My first task was to find a title that was "catchy", meaningful, and easily remembered. Most of the obvious ones were taken. This is what was available that seemed to fit the bill. It's true... I am a retired designer.